Learn to Skate               

Basic Skills Class

Whether you are destined figure skating or hockey we have skating classes for Tots (3-5) & children ages 6 & up.  

 Fall Session begins September 6, 2024- Click Here – Flyer  

Enrollment Begins August 7, 2024 for – NEW PARTICIPANTS ONLY  SEE BELOW

(All Participants in the Current Classes MUST wait for the Re-Enrollment form given by the Instructors Prior to Enrolling in Next Session 


Call the Front Desk or Click below to Register Online . Please refer to levels below before Registering – DO NOT ENROLL IN HIGHER LEVELS WITHOUT PERMISSION

Register Here

TOTS-Ages 3yrs to 5 yrs old Classes are Mondays & Saturdays (NO Friday Nights) DO NOT ENROLL IN BASIC 1

Ages 6 & Above who have never taken lessons – Enroll in Basic 1

                                                                            Adults (18 & Above) are Wednesday nights ONLY , Enroll under Adult Tab.                                                                           

Student Must Pass Each Level Before moving into the next one. Instructors will give skill sheets with correct levels on them.

Do Not show up for Class Times that you are NOT Registered for – we do not offer make up classes

Learn-to-Skate (for ages 3 through Adult)

  • Payment in full required with enrollment. ($120 – 6 Week Session)
  • Skates are included in the fee
  • Classes may be cancelled due to lack of sign-ups, or classes may fill up, pre-enrollment is strongly encouraged
  • Levels may be combined.
  • Helmets are required for Tots, Basic 1 & 2.
  • Basic Levels 1-8 are taught for ages 6 through Adults
  • Tots & Advanced Tots are taught for ages 3 through 5                                                                                                                                          


Notes from the Director 

All Learn-To-Skate Skaters that are moving up to Basic Level 5 and above:

  • Looking to improve your skating techniques and grow at a faster pace as a Figure Skater? I recommend taking private lessons.

  • The Rinks At Exeter has an exceptional group of experienced and qualified figure skating coaches that offer lessons on various ice-time surfaces here at the Rinks.

  • One option is the Freestyle Session that is held 4 days a week in which private lessons are taught by our experienced coaching staff members.

  • Additionally, we have a Figure Skating Club (I.C.E.) that is opened to new members and offers additional benefits

  • No Make-Up Classes for Missed Classes.

  • Free Use of Rental Skates

If you have any questions, please contact me at The Rinks At Exeter, 603-775-7423.

Kathy Farrington – Director of Figure Skating –  kathyf@therinksatexeter.com

                                                           The Rinks Skating School – 8 Basic Skating Program Levels

Basic 1

Teaches Foundations Skills For Hockey
Players, Tots & Figure Skaters 
  • Sit on ice and stand up
  • March forward across ice
  • Forward 2- foot glide
  • Dip
  • Forward swizzles, 6-8 in a row
  • Backward wiggles, 6-8 in a row
  • Snowplow stops
  • Rocking Horse
  • Two foot hop in place
Basic 2
Teaches Skills for Hockey Players, Tots &
Figure Skaters
  • Forward one-foot glides R & L
  • Backwards two-foot glide
  • Backward swizzles, 6-8 in a row
  • Two-foot turn from forward to backward in place
  • Moving snowplow stops
  • Forward alternating 1/2 swizzle pumps

Basic 3

For Hockey Players & Figure Skaters
  • Forward stroking, showing correct use of blade
  • Forward 1/2 swizzle pumps on circle, 6-8 consecutive, clockwise & counter clockwise
  • Moving forward to backward two-foot turn, clockwise & counter clockwise
  • Backward one-foot glide, right & left
  • Forward slalom
  • Two-foot spin, up to 2 revolutions (optional)

Basic 4

Provides Bonus Skills for Hockey                                                             Players & Skills for Figure Skaters
  • Forward outside edge on a circle, right & left
  • Forward inside edge on a circle, right & left
  • Forward crossovers, clockwise & counterclockwise
  • Forward inside three turn, right & left, from a standing still position
  • Backward 1/2 swizzle pumps on a circle, clockwise & counterclockwise
  • Backward stroking

Basic 5

For Figure Skaters
  • Backward outside edge on a circle, right & left
  • Backward inside edge on a circle,   right & left
  • Backward crossovers, clockwise & counterclockwise
  • Beginning one-foot spin, optional entry & free foot position
  • Hockey stop
  • Side toe hop, both directions

Basic 6

For Figure Skaters
  • Forward inside three turn, right & left, from a standing still position
  • Moving backward to forward two foot turn on a circle, clockwise & counter clockwise
  • T-stop, right or left
  • Bunny hop
  • Forward spiral on a straight line, right or left
  • Forward lunge, right or left

Basic 7

For Figure Skaters
  • Forward inside open Mohawk from a standing still position, right to left and left to right
  • Backward outside edge to forward  outside edge transition on a circle
  • Right & left
  • Ballet jump, right or left
  • Backward crossovers to a backward outside edge glides (landing position) clockwise & counter clockwise
  • Forward inside pivots, right or left

Basic 8

For Figure Skaters
  • Moving forward outside three turn on a circle, right or left
  • Moving forward inside three turn on a circle, right or left
  • Combination move: two forward crossovers into forward inside mohawk, cross behind, step into backward crossover and step to forward inside edge, repeat 3 times, clockwise & counter clockwise
  • Waltz jump
  • Mazurka, right or left